Strengths and Challenges of New Immigrant Families

eBook - Implications for Research, Education, Policy, and Service

Erschienen am 16.07.2009, Auflage: 1/2009
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Bibliografische Daten
ISBN/EAN: 9780739130605
Sprache: Englisch
Umfang: 444 S.
Format: EPUB
DRM: Adobe DRM


Immigration to America is an issue that often sparks intense emotional reactions_from passion and compassion to anger and even rage. Often missing from the dialogue, however, is discussion of the strengths of immigrant newcomers_the abilities and positive characteristics they bring as individuals and families to our country, and how these contribute to the agency, growth, and vitality of America. This book was intended to move the discussion of immigration, generally speaking, and of immigrant families specifically, to include how and in what ways new immigrants to America (those arriving within the past thirty years) have changed the social and geocultural landscape of this country in positive, beneficial, and valuable ways. The book is comprised of nineteen chapters written by scholars with expertise on immigrant families representing every corner of the globe_from Africa and India to Europe and Central America. In each chapter, the unique factors, processes, and worldviews which help shape and mold the immigrant experience are articulated, as are the strengths immigrant newcomers bring to America. In addition, beyond explicating the strengths of immigrant families, each of the nineteen contributing chapters focuses on the implications of these strengths for families, communities, and the culture. Thus, the book provides a springboard from which to answer the application and 'what now' questions for those who work with immigrant families in a variety of capacities_from academicians and researchers to educators and human-service providers.


Rochelle L. Dalla is an associate professor; John DeFrain is an extension professor; Julie M. Johnson is chair and professor; Douglas A. Abbott is a professor, all in the Department of Child, Youth, and Family Studies at the University of Nebraska at Lincoln.


Part 1 Introduction
Part 2 I. How Immigration Changes Immigrants and How Immigrants Change America
Chapter 3 Chapter 1. An Evaluation of the Psychological Research on Acculturation and Enculturation Processes among Recently Immigrating Populations
Chapter 4 Chapter 2. A Sociological Analysis of the Psychosocial Adaptation of Khmer Refugees in Massachusetts
Chapter 5 Chapter 3. Understanding the Immigration Experience through a Lifecourse Lens: Four Personal Stories
Chapter 6 Chapter 4. Transnational Families and the Social Construction of Identity: Whiteness Matters
Part 7 II. Marriages and Families
Chapter 8 Chapter 5. Influence of American Culture of East Indian Immigrants' Perception of Marriage and Family Life
Chapter 9 Chapter 6. Strong Marriages in Latino Culture
Chapter 10 Chapter 7. Family Strengths of Hmong and Somalil Refugees in the United States
Chapter 11 Chapter 8. Migrating Latinas and the Grief Process
Chapter 12 Chapter 9. Career and Employment Concerns of Immigrant Women
Part 13 III. Parents and Children
Chapter 14 Chapter 10. Childcare Challenges of African Immigrant Families: An Inductive Thematic Analysis
Chapter 15 Chapter 11. Decisions about Child Rearing Practices in First Generation Asian Indian Immigrants
Chapter 16 Chapter 12. Intergenerational Differences in Acculturation and Family Conflict among Korean Immigrant Families
Chapter 17 Chapter 13. Lost Boys Finding Their Way: Challenges, Changes, and Small Victories of Young Sudanese Refugees in the United States
Chapter 18 Chapter 14. Distant Relations between Migrant Adult Children and Their Older Parents
Chapter 19 Chapter 15. Co-Residence in Chinese Immigrant Families
Part 20 IV. Community and Programmatic Issues
Chapter 21 Chapter 16. Stress, Status, and Sociability: Exploring Residential Satisfaction in the Rural Midwest Following Rapid Immigration
Chapter 22 Chapter 17. Rural Latino Immigrant Families: Hunger, Housing, and Social Support
Chapter 23 Chapter 18. Parental Stress Among U.S. Mexican Heritage Parents: Implications for Culturally Relevant Family Life Education
Chapter 24 Chapter 19. The Impact of Latino Immigrants and Bicultural Program Coordinators on Organizational Philosophy and Values: A Case Study of Organizational Responsiveness
Part 25 Epilogue

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